I went to my FLGS today and bought a few goodies for the Blood Angels army I am starting. I bought the Codex a while ago so just had to pick what figures I wanted to start with. I originally planned on just taking BA as allies, but there quite a few models that I liked so the small force I planned is getting larger by the day. Currently my plan is to have an all out assault army, with one 5-10 man squad of Death company with jump packs led by Lemartes, two ten man assault squads with jump packs, a furioso dread with talons, a modified stormraven with additional weaponry (magnetised so can run as standard), 5 sanguinary guards, 2 sang priests with jump packs, a lib with jump pack and Dante.
I tend to pick the models that I like rather than try and get the best force possible, but I do try and take some advice from forums. Onto the new stuff. I bought a whole load of resin bases of ebay, the whole army will have the rock bases. These are fairly expensive but given the figure count will be about 40 it isn't as bad as a horde army, and they are about 50p each and a bit more for the larger (dread, flyer) so about £25 in total. I have bought a few bits from the Army Painter range for them, and some Dragon Red paint to make painting the army a bit more straightforward.
The tufts are great, very easy to use and look fantastic
I picked up the death company a few weeks ago but added a box of assault marines to mix and match the pieces, I will add a few more of these when I am finished.

I like the Stormraven model, and with a few tweaks I think it can look great. In particular I won't be using the turret or the air intake which makes it look better imo. I have bought a predator sponson sprue off eBay to use mount the lascannons on the doors, and I have bought some plasticard to add underslung mounts for the hurricane bolters, heavy bolters off the razorback sprue, assault cannons (under the wings) and I have 4 heavy bolters left over from the pred sprues. All this will be magnetised so I can mix and match weaponry. I will see how it turns out space wise, but it would be pretty cool to be able to, when playing with my fiancee (and anyone else happy to let me use it), have two lascannons, multi melta, 6 underslung heavy bolters, wing mounted assault cannons, hurricane bolters and the deathstrike missiles. Obviously I will have to write some new rules for that but the idea appeals to me!

That is it for now, I will be adding some more pictures when I start the Stormraven, and will get some pictures put up of the space wolves at some point.