Sunday, 18 August 2013

Army painter tips

Quick update, I have spent this week sorting out the assault marines and basecoating them and the Stormraven. I will put up some pictures later, but I have to say I am very impressed with the army painter dragon red. I practised using some old figures and at first it just didn't turn out well, the paint scraped off and it was patchy and gloopy. But then I read a few tips and cleaned the figures using soapy water, shook the can for about 2 and a half minutes, made sure the humidity was okay and most importantly I prepared a large area to spray in. Unlike the citadel undercoats the army painter requires a much more delicate approach, I found it best to use my hall-way and I used newspaper to cover about 2 feet up the walls and a bit of card to stick between the walls. This created a covered area that I put an old cardboard tray in, and using side to side motions and spraying from about 14cm away I achieved a nice even finish. The most important part was to start spraying and then move the can past the figure in a sweeping motion, don't spray directly onto the figure as this results in far too much paint.

Using this approach I managed to get a very even and consistent finish, and it saved a lot of time. I sprayed both the 5 marines and the SR in about 30 minutes including prep time. Using a brush it would have taken a lot longer with a more uneven finish.

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